[HK]中国水业集团(01129):致非登记股东之通知信函 - 公司通讯之发布通知

发布时间:   来源:未知   

[HK]中国水业集团(01129):致非登记股东之通知信函 - 公司通讯之发布通知   时间:2024年11月14日 20:15:43 中财网    
原标题:中国水业集团:致非登记股东之通知信函 - 公司通讯之发布通知
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司)
(Stock Code 股份代號:1129)


(Note 1)
Dear Non-registered Shareholder , 15 November 2024
The following document(s) of China Water Industry Group Limited (the “Company”) has/have been prepared in English and Chinese and is/are available on the websites
of the Company at and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at (collectively the “Websites”):-

? Circular dated 15 November 2024 (the “Circular”) and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 9 December 2024
? Form of Proxy for the Extraordinary General Meeting

Please provide your email address to the Company via Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (“HKSCC”) if you would like to receive an email notification of
(Note 2)
the publication of the Corporate Communication(s) on the Websites instead of receiving printed notification letter in future. If the Company does not receive your
email address via HKSCC or the email address provided is invalid, the printed notification will be sent to you by post at your address as provided by HKSCC.

You may at any time send your request in writing to the Company (c/o its branch share registrar in Hong Kong, Union Registrars Limited (the “Hong Kong Share
Registrar”) at Suites 3301-04, 33/F., Two Chinachem Exchange Square, 338 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong or by email to 1129-corpcomm@unionregistrars.com.hk )
to request for printed copies of the Corporate Communications. If you have received notification of the publication of the Corporate Communication(s) on the Websites
and for any reason have difficulty in gaining access to the Corporate Communication(s) on the Websites, the Company will upon request send the Corporate
Communication(s) to you in printed form free of charge.

If you have previously submitted written request to receive Corporate Communications in printed form, printed version of the Circular is enclosed herewith. Please be
aware that any written request from a shareholder to receive Corporate Communications in printed form will expire one year from the date of receipt of the valid written
request by the Hong Kong Share Registrar, unless it is revoked or superseded before the expiry date. A further written request will be required if a shareholder wishes to
continue receiving future Corporate Communications in printed form thereafter.
Should you have any queries in relation to this letter, please call the Hong Kong Share Registrar at (852) 2849 3399 during business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday to Friday, excluding Hong Kong public holidays.
By Order of the Board
China Water Industry Group Limited
Chu Yin Yin, Georgiana
Executive Director and Company Secretary

(1) This letter is addressed to non-registered shareholders of the Company. “Non-registered Shareholder” means such person or company whose shares in the Company are held in
the Central Clearing and Settlement System and who has notified the Company from time to time through HKSCC to receive Corporate Communications. If you have sold or
transferred your shares in the Company, please disregard this letter.
(2) Corporate Communications refer to any documents issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of any holders of its securities, including but not limited to
(a) the directors’ report, its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors’ report and, where applicable, its summary financial report; (b) the interim report and, where
applicable, its summary interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form.

* For identification purpose only

(附註 1)
各位非登記股東 :

中國水業集團有限公司(「本公司」)下述文件已以中、英文版本編制及於本公司網站 () 及香港聯合交易所有限公司網站
() (統稱「相關網站」)刊載:-

? 日期為 2024年 11月 15日的通函(「通函」)及將於 2024年 12月 9日舉行之股東特別大會通告 ? 股東特別大會之代表委任表格

(附註 2)
若 閣下希望日後收取所有公司通訊 於相關網站發佈的電郵通知,以代替收取通知信函印刷本,請透過香港中央結算有限公司(「香港結算」)向本公
司提供 閣下的電郵地址。倘若本公司未有從香港結算收到 閣下的電郵地址或所提供的電郵地址無效,本公司會將通知信函印刷本以郵寄方式寄往由香港結
算提供 閣下的地址。

閣下可以隨時以書面通知本公司(經香港股份過戶登記分處聯合證券登記有限公司(「香港股份過戶登記處」),地址為香港北角英皇道 338號華懋交易廣場
2期 33樓 3301-04室或電郵至 1129-corpcomm@unionregistrars.com.hk)要求收取公司通訊之印刷本。倘若 閣下已收到有關公司通訊在相關網站上發佈的通
知,但因任何原因而難以在相關網站上查閱公司通訊,本公司將於收到 閣下的要求後免費寄上公司通訊之印刷本。

若 閣下曾提出書面要求收取公司通訊之印刷本,現隨函附上通函之印刷本。請注意,股東任何以書面要求收取公司通訊之印刷本將由香港股份過戶登記處接

閣下若對此函有任何疑問,請在辦公時間(星期一至星期五上午九時正至下午五時正,香港公眾假期除外)內致電香港股份過戶登記處 (852) 2849 3399查詢。

2024年 11月 15日

